
การดูแลผู้สูงอายุ 2 | Elderly Care II


Course Description

Elderly Care II


  1. Course description:


  1. Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment

Comprehensive geriatric assessment is a multidimensional, usually inter-disciplinary, diagnostic process intended to determine a frail elderly person’s medical, psychological, and functional capabilities and problems.There are 7 key elements decisively influence people’s capabilities, which are financial ability, environment, cognition, medical resources, emotion, social support, and spirit. In this lesson, you will learn methods for assessing physical and mental condition in elderly patients.

  1. Interdisciplinary Models of Care (Cross-functional Team in Elderly Care)

Nowaday, medical services have shifted toward more patient-centric care models, many healthcare organizations have adopted an interdisciplinary approach to planning and assessing care.An interdisciplinary care team is consisted of physicians, nursesm dietitians, pharmacists, case managers, and others. In this lesson, Dr. Chou, Ming-Yueh will show you the benefits of interdisciplinary care, and how different professions work together to collaborate on patient care.


  1. Home Health Care

As the world ages, older populations become the majority. This phenomenon can result in shortages of hospital beds one day. As its basic level, “Home health care” means exactly what it sounds like——medical care provided in a patient’s home. Home health care aims to improve quality of patient’s life.Home health care can include broad care given by skilled medical professionals. Home health care is usually less expensive, more convenient, and just as effective as care given in a hospital. In this lesson, Dr. Yu, Sang-Ju will introduce you to the trends and development of home health care in Japan, what Taiwan has learnt from them, and how should the government committed to strengthening policies to develop a more comprehensive home health care services.


  1. Self-management Support amongst Elderly

Self-management support is the help given to people with chronic conditions that enables them to manage their health on a day-to-day basis. Self-management support can help people to learn more about their conditions and to take an active role in their health care. This lesson offers an introduction to the principles of self-management and how it can support people managing long term conditions. It includes providing patient-centered care, focusing on prevention and care management rather than acute care, making referrals to community-basd resources, such as programs that help patients quit smoking or follow an exercise plan, and so on. The purpose of self-management support aims to help elderly people to improve their quality of life.


  1. Elderly Welfare and Rights

Nowadays, population aging has already become a major issue or a global trend. The government of Taiwan has put forward a series of policies to support the aging society. In this lesson, we will show you what are the welfare resources needed by elderly people in this aging society. Also, we will introduce you to the government policies aimed at our aging population and the social welfare benefits that have been provided by the government.


  1. Long-term Care policy and Social resource Management

Globally, the population aged 65 and over is growing faster than all other age groups. In Taiwan, low fertility may also result in labor shortage in the future. How to manage social resources effectively and develop a comprehensive long-term care system to support the aging society is the most concerned issue in the topic of population aging in Taiwan. In this lesson, we will show you how to develop an effective policy and make sure these policies succeed in helping elderly people.



Online learning hours

The total number on learning hours, 7 Hours

Learning Objectives

The main objective of this course is to help students understand the old-age care model, its content, and the methods of implementing it, as well as the link between the various resources for the aging society.


Learner Qualifications

No qualification required.

Measurement/Evaluation Criteria

Students who have an overall of scores not less than 70% are considered eligible to receive an online certificate.

Teacher & Course Team

Teacher #01

Deng-Chi Yang

Current position: Attending physician at the Department of Gerontology, National Cheng Kung University Hospital
Specialized fields: Internal Medicine Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology Nephrology

Teacher #02

Ming-Yueh Chou

Current position: Director of the Department of Integrated Care for the Elderly, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital
Specialized fields: Integrated Care for the Elderly Family Medicine

Teacher #03

Sang-Ju Yu

Current position:

  • President of the Community Medicine Development of Chiayi City
  • Director of the Dulan Clinic
  • President of the Taiwan Society of Home Health Care

Specialized fields: Home Health Care, Family Medicine

Teacher #04

Chin-Li Lin

Current position:

  • Executive Officer of the Yunlin County Elderly Welfare Protection Association, (Chang-Tai Elderly Learning Center)
  • Executive officer of the Chang-Tai Social Welfare Foundation (The School for Self Support)
  • President of the Foundation of Tung-Ren Nursing Home
  • President of the Taiwan Home Care Strategic Alliance Association
  • President of the Taiwan Self Support Care Profession Development Association
  • Professor at the Department of Elderly Business Management, Chaoyang University of Technology


Specialized fields: Self-support care, Social Welfare for the Elderly

Teacher #05

Li-Fan Liu

Current position: Professor at the Graduate School of Gerontology, National Cheng Kung University

Specialized fields: Long-term Care Policies and Management Health and Social Welfare Policies Social Gerontology Theories and Management of Medical and Nursing Organizations Health Index and Measurements

Teacher #06

Cho, Chun-Ying

Cho, Chun-Ying

Current position: Assistant Professor of at the Department of Social Studies at Chung Jung Christian University

Specialized fields: Social Work for Women, Social Work for the Elderly, The Ethics of Social Work, The Supervision of Social Work, Social Policies

Course Team


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